Monday 8 December 2014

England Country Amazing Facts

Today, there are 26 monarchies remain in the world with a fascinating network of kings, queens, sultans, emperors and emirs who rule or reign over 43 countries in all. Sixteen countries, including Canada and Australia, are still technically subjects of the British monarchy, which also once ruled much of the world.

Windsor Castle, an official residence of the British Monarch, is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world. It has been inhabited continuously for more than a thousand years. Current monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is the 39th resident of the castle. The traditional State Banquet is held in St George's Hall, with a table seating up to 160 guests.

The highest point is Ben Navis at 1,343 m and the lowest point is -4m at The Fens.

No point in Great Britain is more than 116 km (72 miles) from the sea.

In 1945, a flock of birds landed on the minute hand of Big Ben and delayed time by 5 minutes, creating chaos for the punctual British.

Portugal is the oldest ally country of England. The Anglo-Portuguese Treaty was signed in 1373 and is still in force.

United Kingdom is the only country in the world with four national soccer teams - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom is the only country in the world other than Iran to have unelected clergymen in the national legislature, and all state-run schools are legally obligated to have a daily act of collective worship

UK remains the only country not required to name itself on its postage stamps because it was the first country to issue national stamps. The first nation-wide stamp (and first adhesive stamp), the Penny Black, was issued in 1840.

The Queen owns all the sturgeons, whales and dolphins in the waters of UK.


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